Neuropathy is a general term meaning “nerve problem”. There are two main types of neuropathy and a variety of causes. The first type of neuropathy is Large Fiber Mono-Neuropathy, the most common type.
Large Fiber Mono-Neuropathy usually begins at the spine level, either the lower neck or lower back, and typically radiates down one arm or one leg. Symptoms can be numbness, tingling and/or pain and may start in the shoulder or buttocks and then progressively begin to travel further down the affected arm or leg until reaching the hand/fingers or foot/toes.
The cause of this type of neuropathy is often trauma to the body like slips, falls, car accidents or other injuries.
Peripheral Neuropathy
The second type of neuropathy is Small Fiber, Poly-Neuropathy. This type is becoming more prevalent, and estimates are that it affects nearly 46.5 million Americans. This type of neuropathy is also known as Peripheral Neuropathy because it affects the nerves furthest away from the center of the body (like the lower arms, hands, fingers, lower legs, feet and toes). Peripheral Neuropathy is a disorder of the peripheral nerves that go down into your arms, hands, legs and feet.
Causes of Neuropathy
There are only three main categories of causes.
Type 2 Diabetes is the most common lifestyle cause of peripheral neuropathy, however, other circulatory conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and stroke can cause peripheral neuropathy as well.
Chemical causes of peripheral neuropathy include anything that gets into the body by chance or by choice. These include medications such as anti-inflammatories, as well as statin drugs commonly used for treating high cholesterol. Other treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, or Agent Orange exposure, as well as prolonged and heavy alcohol and/or tobacco use, and excessive sugar consumption.
Physical or traumatic causes of neuropathy typically cause the large fiber mono-neuropathies, like sciatica pain, although they can contribute to the peripheral type as well as being a sole cause of peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy is not solely an age related issue. Neuropathy can affect people of all ages depending on the cause.